
“It is always uplifting to the restless thoughts, to the sleepless eyes and to the troubled heart to be able to watch their kids sleeping peacefully. The innocent eyes, those little noses and the slight movement of their mouth from breathing, makes all the pain go away. It's like a melodious sound that inspire you to put aside all the worries and just keep going because life flows, moves.” ― Karl Gornal 

Moms tends to be overprotective with their kids. We wanted them to be safe and protected all the time. There were few cases of neglectful mothers "pabayang ina" but I know for sure that most of us want the best for our child.


I love watching Korean Dramas when I spare time. Right now, I am hooked with "Cinderella and the Four Knights" (a romantic-comedy drama similar to the 2009 TV series Boys Over Flowers). As much as I love the story, I also love the beat and melody of the soundtracks. Check out the songs below and for sure you'll also can't get enough of this newest tv series from Korea. 

BTOB - For You (English and Korean Lyrics)


by: Pamela Tesorero Esteves
If there's one thing I wish I could've done better as a mother, it would have been being able to breastfeed my baby. From conception to delivery there were many times we'd ask ourselves, "How worse can it get?" "Will it get any more painful than this?" Please don't say "Ay tamtamin mu, at maurag ka!" because that's rude. Haha seriously, though, quite a few times we ran into a situation when we felt like we've reached the threshold of pain we can tolerate.