
Merry Xmas!

Have you ever stopped to think why “Christmas” is sometimes shortened to “Xmas?” The “X” is actually the first letter of the word “Christ” when spelled in Greek. The use of “Xmas” was also thought to be an attempt to remove the religious undertones of the holiday.

Xmas, or Christmas, is the season for happiness, togetherness, and celebration. This Christmas is the first for 1-Hour Proofreading, and we couldn’t be happier. We get to work with so many new people on a day-to-day basis, and we’re so glad to be spending the holidays with all of you.


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If you have young children, Christmas can be an even more magical time of year. It’s the chance to spend time together as a family, and enjoy the festive period. The good news is that there are so many things you can do to make sure your kids enjoy Christmas that little bit more. It’s all about giving them the full experience, so they have a memorable time of things.

And, one of the best ways of doing this is to create your own Winter Wonderland at home for the kids. You have to make sure you do as much as possible to give them the perfect Christmassy experience. And, the way to achieve this is to ensure that you put these ideas into practice right away.
The glass is a fantastic material. Using it in a home can give it a modern edge, ironic when you consider that glass is one of the oldest materials known to man.
If you want to introduce not only a modern streak but the wow factor too, read on to find out fantastic ideas with glass. With fixings and glass clips at the ready, these ideas of how to use glass will make a big difference to your home.

These ideas, from small changes to big ones, will change your home from the ordinary to the extraordinary…