Technology always manages to find a way to weed itself into our lives one way or another. No matter how technophobic you or a family member might be, there’s no denying that technological advances have improved our lives in many ways. For example, with mobile devices, we’re able to bridge the gap between distant relatives and friends, and we can chat and keep up with them using just a single device that can fit into your hands.
These types of advances have not only made our lives easier, but also safer. Take for instance the tracking devices and safety equipment in cars. There are alarms, airbags for safety, and even warning sensors that will automatically slam the breaks if it detects an imminent crash. One of the most vulnerable places that we stay in is our homes. It’s a large open area that has several points of entry for burglars and intruders alike, but thankfully, technology has been slowly improving the situation at home as well.
*Picture taken from Pexels