
Augmenting Your Time Outside

Over the last few years, the digital world of gaming and entertainment has come a very long way. Once upon a time, gaming devices were almost always something to be enjoyed in the darkness of a teenagers bedroom. Now, though, times have changed, and this sort of industry has taken a turn on the wild side. To help you in capturing this in your own digital entertainment, this post will be exploring some of the newfangled ways companies are bringing video games into the outdoors.
Before you start with something like this, it’s always worth thinking about the time you will be spending with it. Even the most serious of moms and dads can easily be ensnared by the allure of video games. To help you out with this, most computers and consoles have settings which enable you to limit your play time. While this may seem a little extreme, it’s a great way to keep yourself moderated when it comes to the games you play.

The Hardware

If you want to take on the world of outdoor video games, you’re going to need to look into investing in some hardware. Thankfully, there are options for people at all income levels, and everyone has the chance to enjoy this new trend. Finding the best option for your price bracket will be a bit of a challenge when you don’t know the market, though, and some examples of the tools at your disposal can be found below.

A Mobile Phone: Almost everyone in the modern world carries a smartphone in their pocket, using this tool to facilitate their social and professional life. In reality, though, this device is also an incredibly powerful gaming machine. There are loads of ways to use this sort of option to its full advantage.

A Paper Mask: A phone alone isn’t always quite enough to get the most out of your outdoor gaming adventures. VR headsets have become very popular in recent years, with options like the HTC Vive costing a small fortune. If you have a phone, though, you need only get yourself a cardboard set of goggles for it to sit in. You can find these products all over the web, and a lot of them are starting to get very fancy.

Full-On Virtual Reality: Of course, if you’re able to delve all the way into the world of VR, you should take the chance as soon as you can. While these systems often take up a very large space, a lot of them can be used outside without any issues, and this makes them perfect for families without much indoor space. The top picks for these products are changing all the time so it will be worth doing some research to get yourself started.

The Types Of Games

Along with finding the devices, you will be using, it will be a good idea to think about the sort of games you’ll be able to play with your new devices. There are reams of games coming out for these platforms, and new titles are hitting the market every day. Not all of the examples you find will be any good, though. To help you out with this part of the job, you can find some of the best options you have at the moment.

Thanks to their camera and large screen, mobile phones offer a unique way to play games in the outside world. Instead of using stages which are completely digitally generated, games like https://www.finalfantasyxvapp.com/ enable you to use the world around you as your map. This sort of technology is known as augmented reality, as the fake parts of the experience are being used to enhance the real, rather than replacing it entirely.

Sometimes, gaming devices shine the most when they’re not even being used for games. Products like Google Cardboard were originally designed with a different kind of fun in mind. Just imagine being able to explore the Alps one moment, swiftly traveling to the Grand Canyon in less than a heartbeat. There are loads of apps out there which are made to give you an experience like this.

Using true VR is an experience unparalleled. Of course, though, the type of game you play with this sort of device will greatly impact the fun you can have. Horror games are one of the best genres for this sort of device. Games like http://www.alienisolation.com/ are made for VR, making them truly terrifying and adding an element of immersion which can’t be found anywhere else. As time goes on, even games consoles are being given the ability to run devices like the Vive. Of course, though, not much will be able to beat a gaming computer for this sort of job.

All of these games can be played outside at the right time and set up, making them ideal for kids parties and other events during the summer. It will be worth avoiding getting it out with too many people around, though, or you might not get the chance to have a go for yourself.

The Alternative Uses

These sorts of tools have opened the doors for a lot of different applications to be made, and they aren’t only found in the world of gaming. Training for pilots and other heavy vehicle drivers, for example, can be made much safer by virtualizing the testing environment newcomers have to use. Along with this, cinemas around the world have started to incorporate these tools. Enabling two people to go to the movies with one another only to watch different films, this is making the world of entertainment much more inclusive.

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start looking into the idea of some outdoor gaming. While a lot of these games have minimum age restrictions, absolutely none of them will have a maximum. This gives you the chance to enjoy some guilt-free pleasure, and it could teach you a thing or two about yourself which you weren’t aware of.

1 comment:

  1. I think the outdoors is cool enough without trying to augment the reality of it.

