
6 Ways To Create A More Useable Family Kitchen

Creating a more usable family kitchen is a must if you want everybody in your family to enjoy the space. By putting together a kitchen you can all enjoy and make use of, you’ll have a happier atmosphere and family.

There’s nothing to say that your children shouldn’t be able to use the kitchen alongside you! Here are 6 ways you can create a more usable family kitchen.

Consider The Needs Of Everybody Who Will Use The Kitchen
First of all, make sure you consider the needs of everybody who will use the kitchen. Will your kids be doing homework in the kitchen? Will you be entertaining as a family? Will you all be eating together in there? Make sure you think about all the ways you’ll likely use the kitchen to help you create something that really works for you.

Create A Safe Space To Prepare And Cook Food
If you’re working with a pro, it’s best to give them details on who does the cooking, what their cooking style is, how many people live in the house, and more. This will allow them to put together a safe cooking area that suits everybody. For instance, it may be a case of putting certain appliances, like the fridge, away from the cooking zone. You can chat to companies like https://kitchensacramento.com/remodeling/ to see what you’d need to do in your own unique kitchen for your individual needs.

Make Sure You Have Ample Storage Space
Families tend to accumulate a lot of stuff, so make sure you have ample storage space in your kitchen. You’ll need storage for all of your kitchen accessories and utensils, as well as space for food as your children grow and develop their own tastes.

Your storage should be planned in such a way that things like knives are away from little hands. You could also consider giving your child their own draw or cupboard low down with everything they could possibly need inside. This is safer than them having to climb on countertops. You won’t have to run and grab things for them all the time then, either.


Choose Appliances To Make Your Life A Breeze
Appliances like dishwashers are designed to make family life much easier. Washer/dryer combos can make cleaning clothes far easier too. Do your research on the right appliances and make sure it’s easy enough for your children to use them too if needs be.

Think About Your Lay Out Carefully
The right layout will ultimately need to be determined by a professional - after all, it’s highly unlikely you’re going to take care of this task all alone. An open arrangement can encourage a busy space centered around your family, while an l shaped layout or even an island layout can flow into the living area and encourage more social interaction. It can even create a more welcoming atmosphere in your home, perfect for families, and when your kids have their friends over.

How will you create your useable family kitchen?


  1. The one thing I hate about my kitchen is that it doesn't have an "island" (is that how it's called?) in the middle, and it's super small. At least we have good quality cooking appliences xD

  2. The one thing I hate about my kitchen is that it doesn't have an "island" (is that how it's called?) in the middle. At least I can fry my eggs xD

  3. If you have kids around, it's definitely important to arrange the house kids-proof. Making sure the little ones are safe running around. You have a great list Arra, I enjoy reading it.

