
Managing Bus Risks On A Tight Schedule

When you live in a busy urban centre, it’s fair to say that the quickest way to get from A to B is not to take your car. More and more town are experiencing increasing traffic, making it difficult not only to circulate but also to park. Finding a free space in the middle of the rush hour is the next big miracle after the resurrection of Christ. And that’s precisely why most people choose to take the bus. It saves you a lot of stress in the long term – who wants to drive a car in a traffic jam? – and it’s a significant improvement in your fitness routine. Indeed, as you drive less, you naturally have to walk more! But busses are not always an ideal solution. There are a handful of situations in which taking the bus could throw your schedule off dramatically. Indeed, whether you’re going to town for a shopping trip or you’re heading to the office, here are the risks you need to be aware of.

When you take the bus to walk more and end up not being able to walk
We get it. You’ve ditched the car to be able to squeeze more fitness into your busy days. Relying on public transport can get you most of the way, and you only need to walk the last part to stay active. A brisk walk can do wonders for your metabolism. However, walking in a busy town, crowded with vehicles and traffic jams can be potentially dangerous. Indeed, if you’re forced off the pavement or to cross without traffic lights, you might find yourself at the mercy of vehicles – including buses. Being hit by a bus side mirror, for instance, is a more frequent occurrence than you think – you can read Greene Broillet & Wheeler advice about it. Ultimately, taking public transportation makes you vulnerable to those vehicles too.

Sure, you’re saving on parking cost, but you can’t manage your ETA
If you commute to work by bus or train, you might struggle with delays and unpredictable arrival time. More often than not, there is a perfectly logical explanation for your issue. The bus was caught in an unexpected traffic jam. The train can be delayed at the previous station, etc. But, while employers are happy to accept the occasional delay, regular late arrivals will be frown upon and penalised. In other words, you might need to transform your schedule to make sure you arrive early.

You’ve got no car, but taking the bus is KILLING you
Public transportation and motion sickness may not go exactly hand in hand, but it can affect up to 10% of passengers. And when you’ve got no other mean of getting on with your day, feeling nauseous and dizzy while you’re on the bus is never a fun experience. While some prevention methods can reduce the way you’re affected, once motion sickness hits you there’s nothing else you can do to make it go away. The symptoms disappear once you get off the bus. However, you can still feel nauseous for a little while after the commute, making you unproductive in your daily tasks long.

Accidents, delays and motion sickness, taking the bus or the train doesn’t come with only advantages. If you’re worried about any of those occurrences, it might be worth considering getting your car on the road again!

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