
6 Things To Do If You're Struggling To Conceive

If you’ve been struggling to conceive, there are steps that you can and should take to increase your chances. It can be heartbreaking if you’ve been trying for a while, but you should know that it takes the average young couple 4-6 months to conceive. Around 85-95% get pregnant after one year of trying. You might not actually be that behind at all when you think about it.

However, it could be time to seek help if you’re under 35 and have been trying for a year, or if you’re over 35 and have been trying for 6 months. If you’ve had two or more miscarriages back to back, you should also see a professional.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at what you should do if you’re trying to conceive:

1. Make Sure You’re Using A Sperm Friendly Lubricant
Always check the label to ensure that any lubricant you’re using is sperm friendly. If it contains spermicide, it’s likely killing off sperm.

2. Take Supplements
There are many supplements that can help you to conceive, such as a multivitamin and folic acid. For those who struggles with PCOS or aren't ovulating regularly, studies have found taking myo-inositol may help regulate your cycles and get you pregnant faster. It could also be a good idea to get some extra vitamin B6 and Zinc into your diet. Many women have a zinc deficiency due to their use of birth control and by taking both B6 and zinc together, you'll be helping your body absorb and utilize both.

3. Get Plenty Of Water
Plenty of water helps to flush the body of toxins and can even help you to feel more alert, so there’s less of a chance of you not feeling ‘in the mood’.

4. Look At Your Stress Levels
A stressed out woman is unlikely to get pregnant fast. Meditate, try deep breathing, do yoga, and do other things that help you to reduce your stress. Men should also make the effort to reduce their stress levels - you’ll find you’re both in the mood more when you’re less stressed!

5. Start Acting Like You’re Pregnant
Make sure you start acting like you’re pregnant as early on as you can. Get plenty of sleep, put good food into your body, stop smoking and drinking, and anything else that could be hindering your chances.

6. If You Still Need Help…
If you’re doing all of the above and you still need help, start by going to a gynecologist. Take as much information as you can, including information on your last 6 periods. You’ll also want a list of medications that you and your partner take. Look out for symptoms that could point to another issue and mention them (even embarrassing ones), and make sure you write any questions that you have down. You may end up being referred to a place like the Missouri Center for Reproductive Medicine to look at your options. However, tests may be required first.

There is a solution out there for you, whatever your issue might be. Don’t lose faith!

If you’re struggling to conceive, start using the advice above. Leave any tips that helped you to conceive below, if you have them. Thanks for reading!

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