
How to Help Your Child with Friendship Problems

When children are young, their friends are typically chosen by their parents and they tend to just be happy to have a little playmate without being emotionally invested in the relationship. As children age, however, their friendships become more complex; they start to base relationships on trust and greater intimacy. Although these relationships seem more mature, they are still quite fluid and some issues will arise from time to time. It’s important for parents to be ready for these little bumps in the road and do their best to help their child get through it. Read on for some advice from an independent school in Hertfordshire.

First thing’s first, you must always make yourself available to your child so that they feel they have someone to talk to. Make sure you have one to one time with them on a regular basis so that they find it easy to open up when they’re struggling with friendship problems. Don’t interrupt them whilst they’re talking to you and instead just listen quietly and prompt them with questions now and again. Only after they have finished talking should you offer your advice. Certainly do not judge or criticise your child whilst they are opening up to you, otherwise they will be reluctant to do it again.

Our children need positive relationships to enable healthy development, but it’s important that you don’t try and ban certain friends, even if you think they are bullies or a bad influence. This might backfire and cause your child to rebel against you. Instead, encourage your child to attend some extracurricular activities where they might meet some new people who have similar interests to them. You should also always try to be a good role model and show your child what good friendships are all about.

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