
Protecting Your Home from Cracks & Leaks

Have you noticed any cracks or leaks around your property? If so, it is critically important that these are not left untreated. Even minor damage can lead to damp, mould and even severe structural issues. Therefore, it is a good idea to regularly inspect your property and make any necessary repairs as soon as possible.

Here is some great advice from Screwfast on how to effectively protect your home from cracks and leaks…

  • Schedule regular reminders to inspect your property for damage. This should be done around every six months, and ideally before the harsh winter weather sets in.
  • When inspecting your property it is a good idea to start at the top of your house and work your way down. Carefully inspect your roof tiles for any damage. Roof tiles are designed to keep the rain out and protect your home from the elements, so it is crucial to properly maintain them. Damaged tiles should be secured or replaced where necessary.
  • You should also check your gutters for a build-up of leaves and debris, as this can cause blockages and lead to rainwater spilling over onto the walls of your home. If you notice water pouring from your guttering after it has rained, then this is likely to be the cause.
  • Inspect the walls of your property for cracks or water damage, as well as the seals around your windows. Look out for any gaps that may have been left around pipes or in between bricks and fill in any cracks. You should also apply a weatherproof sealant around all windows to prevent water from seeping inside.
  • Finally, you must remember to inspect the boundaries of your property to ensure that any water on the ground flows away from your home, instead of pooling nearby. Puddles can lead to water seeping into the foundations of your home and cause serious structural damage. If you do notice water pooling on your grounds, try to remove the water and fill or level those areas using dirt or gravel.

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