
Why Self-Managed Super Funds Are Investing In Gold


Investing in gold has long been a popular choice for investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and protect against market volatility. Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) have become increasingly interested in investing in gold as well, due to the potential benefits of such an investment. This article will explore the reasons why SMSFs are investing in gold, while also considering some of the risks involved.



Gold has traditionally been seen as an asset that is a safe haven during times of economic instability and can hedge against inflation, particularly when other investments may be performing poorly. As such, it provides SMSFs with an efficient and cost effective means of increasing portfolio diversity. Gold investment also carries certain tax benefits for SMSF holders. The Australian Taxation Office allows income from gold investments held by SMSFs to be taxed at 15%, compared to the higher rate of 45% on normal taxable income. This makes gold an attractive option for those wishing to reduce their taxation liabilities while diversifying their investment holdings.


Hedge Against Inflation

Gold is perceived as an effective store of value and can protect investors from the impacts of economic volatility due to its inverse relationship with other assets such as stocks and bonds. Historically, when stock markets have performed poorly or experienced significant downturns, demand for gold has increased leading to higher prices. This means that SMSF investors who choose to invest in gold are able to benefit from these market conditions despite the performance of their traditional investments.


Gold also acts as an insurance policy for portfolios by providing protection during times of geopolitical uncertainty such as war or trade wars. During periods of heightened tension between countries, investors tend to flock towards safe haven investment options like gold which can help stabilize returns and reduce losses. As governments continue to print money in response to global economic crises, investing in physical gold offers some assurance that your wealth won’t be eroded by rising inflation rates or currency devaluation.


Protection Against Currency Devaluation

The second benefit of investing in gold through self-managed super funds is its ability to protect against currency devaluation. As a non-currency asset, gold does not depend on the performance or value of any country's currency and therefore stands as an effective hedge against potential devaluations. When currencies lose their purchasing power due to inflation or other economic forces, gold remains relatively stable and can be used to offset losses from other investments. The limited supply of gold relative to global demand also helps ensure that its price will remain steady over time. Additionally, since it is internationally accepted as a store of wealth, investors are able to transfer assets between countries without worrying about exchange rate fluctuations. By including some exposure to gold in self-managed super funds, investors can reduce risk associated with volatile foreign markets while still maintaining access to attractive returns.


Safe Haven Asset

Gold has historically been considered a safe haven asset, due to its ability to maintain value and hedge against inflation. This is particularly relevant in times of economic uncertainty as it can act as an alternative store of wealth when traditional investments perform poorly, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios. Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) have increasingly sought out gold as an investment option in recent years, with the Australian Securities Exchange reporting that SMSFs now hold nearly 9% of all gold bullion held by Australians.


Investing in physical gold through an SMSF requires careful consideration however, because there are specific compliance requirements which must be met for such transactions to remain compliant. It is important for SMSF trustees to understand how gold fits into their overall portfolio strategy before making any decisions about investing in this precious metal. Additionally, they should investigate different methods of acquiring gold and consider factors such as storage costs, taxation implications and liquidity prior to taking action.


Historical Performance

The safe haven asset of gold has been a primary investment for self-managed super funds. Its historical performance makes it attractive to investors, as its value has held steadily in the long term. Gold is seen as an inflation hedge and store of wealth; these attributes make it ideal for retirement planning.


Historical data shows that over long periods of time, gold prices have increased significantly when compared to other investments such as stocks or bonds. In fact, during times of economic distress, gold tends to outperform many other assets due to its ability to retain intrinsic value regardless of external influences on markets. This suggests that adding physical gold or gold-related investments into a portfolio can provide stability and protection from financial hardship.



Investing in gold is a popular strategy for self-managed super funds, as it provides several advantages. Diversification of a portfolio can be achieved by investing in gold to reduce risk and volatility. Gold also serves as a hedge against inflation due to its ability to maintain purchasing power over time. Additionally, gold acts as protection against currency devaluation since it is not dependent on the performance of any single country’s economy or political system. As a safe haven asset, investors often turn to gold during times of economic uncertainty and instability. Lastly, historical performance suggests that long term returns are relatively stable compared with other investments such as stocks or bonds.

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