
Navigating the Path to Love: 7 Tips to Find Love


Finding love in 2023 and beyond takes more than just what we see in the movies. Yes, some people still find love worthy of a Hollywood movie script just like that. Some struggle and go through repeated dating patterns. Then, we have the third group, people who recently became single, where should they start? In this article, we’ll explore tips that will make it easier to take the right steps to find love and find joy in love.


Don’t be desperate

When you act out of desperation, your story can go two ways. In the first possible outcome, you won’t find what you want as people will perceive you as too desperate or eager. No one likes that, not even you, if you are open to admitting it. In the second outcome, you’ll lower your standards out of desperation and perceived societal pressures, so you’ll choose wrong. This only leads to desperation, disappointment and emotional hurt.


Understand your needs

You don’t have to have it all figured out to want love - you can be a work in progress. However, you need to understand your needs, your non-negotiables, like having financial harmony in a relationship, and what you can compromise on. When you figure all this out, you will show yourself as a whole person, not someone looking for their other half to complete them.


Be open to new chapters

The comfort zone is easy, safe and familiar. But we all know that nothing happens in our own perfect bubble. You must be open to new life chapters, experiences, and connections. When you embrace new experiences, step out of your comfort zone, and grow your social circle, you’ll be rewarded with unexpected things. One of those things can definitely be a new love, as you’ll increase the chance of finding someone truly special.


Be specific with your dating intentions

Are you dating just for companionship? Are you dating to explore the scene and have many amazing, cute, short-lived chapters? Or, is your intention to settle down? You need to be specific with your dating intentions, as this will shape your decisions.

 For example, if you are gay and you’re tired of the hookup culture, and you want to find something more meaningful, you need to act with intention. A professional matchmaker can help with gay dating in New York and increase your chances of finding the person you’re compatible with. Just be specific and act in line with your dating intentions.


Build a support system

Surround yourself with people who support you, not just question your singledom. Your inner circle should include people who support your journey and encourage your efforts. Only those who think differently will understand and help you get up if you go through a dating disappointment. They will be the source of emotional stability and might even introduce you to new and interesting people. They can also guide you and might even be a bridge to meeting potential partners.


Go on actual dates

If you want to find love, you need to do something about it. The best way to learn about a person is to go on a date. So, if your picker is broken or can’t seem to increase the percentage of matches on online apps, you might need to reevaluate your approach.

Dating apps are like catalogues, you’re swiping through pages of it. Bear in mind that there aren’t unlimited pages, at some point, you’ll get to the final one. The same applies to dating apps, swipe right even if you’re unsure if you like their nose, or they don’t seem that fit, or whatever the reason might be for you to have doubts.


Turn conversations into dates

Send that text once you swipe a person, and it’s a match. The idea behind dating apps is to get dates so start those conversations. If a person is boring, unmatch and move along. If you have interesting banter, and it’s going back and forth, invite that person on a coffee date. Getting to know people through meeting in real life increases your chances of finding the person you’d want to go on a second date, third, fourth, etc. You will increase your chances of finding love each time you meet a new person.


Lastly, practice patience, as love takes time to grow. So, keep an open mind, stay optimistic and date with intention. A true connection is built over time, so give people a few chances to show you their true personality. 

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