Showing posts with label Education and Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education and Parenting. Show all posts



  • Single parents are vulnerable to stress, anxiety, and depression, making self-care practices crucial for well-being.

  • Prioritize and schedule various activities that bring joy, reduce stress, and boost mood.

  • Establish boundaries and build a supportive network to carve out dedicated time for self-care.

  • Incorporate your children into self-care activities to promote family well-being and teach the importance of self-care.


In the whirlwind of single parenthood, it can be easy to forget the importance of making time for yourself. Between navigating career demands, carpooling to your children's various activities, preparing meals, tackling household duties, and nurturing your well-being, self-care may feel like a luxury - or simply something you don't have time for. But finding ways to practice self-care as a single parent can empower you not only to survive but to thrive in your role.

This blog post will explore why making time for yourself is essential and offer practical tips for carving out much-needed self-care spaces. Read on to learn how to make the most of your limited free time and prioritize yourself.



Having a career paved into the world of construction can seem like an impossible dream, but the way to explore this is through taking on an apprenticeship or a course that allows your child to pick up ways to be more hands-on. The world of construction is a lot more of a practical experience than one that requires learning new skills in a classroom setting, which is why your child could try out plant training, or NPORS training.


Here are some other reasons why an apprenticeship in construction will help your child do the best they can in their studies through this career path.

It’s a lot more of a practical experience

Apprenticeships are a lot more hands-on and integrated with physical skills and real life experience in mind. There is a lot to handle when it comes to construction, and if someone is not comfortable with their skills they’re going to have a much harder time picking things up. That is going to give your child heaps of confidence.

Increased confidence

Sitting in a classroom and learning about construction is not going to be the best use of your child’s time. That will give your child a lot more chances to try things out on their own terms, which will give them that much-needed confidence in completing certain tasks. That is going to help your child feel more comfortable in what they need to do and how that will give your child the support they need.

Your child’s future prospects

If your child has a clear focus on wanting to build up their skills in the construction industry, they have a lot more options to explore and specify in. It helps your child really build on those skills to an extended degree, and truly helps your child build skills in areas that actually interest them.

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Heading to school is going to be the most important aspect of your child’s learning. But there are going to be times where your child is clearly struggling or is just unhappy with heading to school each day. This is where you need to take action and provide ways to help your child learn to love going to school again.

Pinpoint where your child needs the extra help

A child might be unhappy purely because they are struggling in a particular area in their studies, and they haven’t explicitly told you about this. Now is the time to investigate this further; see what is making your child feel overwhelmed in school and provide options in helping to support your child better.

Explore school pastoral care

Pastoral care is an essential in most private schools, just like this Cheltenham private school, which ensures each child is living up to their potential. Pastoral care is the support given to children to greatly improve their spiritual focus, as well as providing ways to manage wellbeing and improved mental health. If your child is aware of these methods, they can learn to manage their skills in a way that helps them succeed.

Give your child problem-solving resources

Being able to solve problems is going to be the cornerstone of their development. A big part of learning is in the development of overcoming obstacles, which can sometimes make children really dislike school. On the flip side, this is also an opportunity for your child to pick up skills that will build on their confidence.

Keep things realistic

Your child is going to have to get used to heading to school each week and picking up skills in this manner. School is compulsory, so your child will have to understand its importance. While it’s important to keep things realistic, you should also remind them of the benefits going to school brings to them.


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One thing your child will learn about is devoting themselves to being in a team. This can be through group projects in school, in sports, games and in real life work settings as well. In this guide we take a look at the ways you can help to raise a team player.

Help your child in the key skills needed in a team

Being a team player means you’re aware of the skills needed to work with people you know, and even people you don’t particularly know. It’s important to help your child work on particular skills that help with these areas already.


For example, your child will be spending a lot of time with you, other family members or siblings. This is the perfect environment to develop their understanding of communication, delegation, and accepting other people’s opinions.

Help your child explore different activities

Going to lengths to try out lots of different things will give them a lot more experience of handling things in groups. Sports are a great example of team-based activities that really rely on your child to work on individual skills that make them better when working together.


Your child also has the chance to try out extracurricular activities as well; this senior girls school in London will help your child explore lots of different things, so they should use these opportunities wisely.

Involve a little bit of healthy debate

Being about to discuss complex things can help your child learn to pose different arguments and conversations with others. This helps your child identify what can come up in different scenarios, especially when they’re put in a team of people they don’t really know - a common thing that schools will do to help children get out of their comfort zone. A good way of helping your child is asking them lots of open-ended questions to really open up their understanding of different feelings and reactions.

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Reading should be a really engaging activity that will make your child develop their skills in an array of ways. It helps to give your child that understanding of new sentence structures, vocabulary and of ways to build some of the greatest stories in written words. It helps your child work on many skills to guide them through life and experiences.


To help your child work on their reading skills, here are some top tips to help them enjoy and appreciate picking up a book.

Make reading feel fun

Use a range of different reading activities to help your child expand their understanding of new and improved skills. They can be in picture books, graphic novels, or comic books to help your child see the different kinds of writing out there for your child to explore. Your child might not necessarily enjoy picking up the usual reading books, so it’s important to give your child the freedom to explore different stories, and make it fun.

Make time for spelling and vocabulary games

Reading should feel interesting in different ways. If your child isn’t able to pick up the different words and phrases then it’s time to go back to basics. Let your child take part in lots of different games that will get them exploring lots of elements to the English Language. This preschool in Worthing provides plenty of options for children to really get to grips with their vocab and spelling, which makes reading and writing much easier for kids to pick up.

Take charge of the reading

Reading aloud and acting as the responsible figure of reading in the home will motivate your child. They’ll see you as an authoritative figure on when it’s time to sit around in a circle and read a story together. Use a loud, excited voice to talk to your child about a story you’re reading together.


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It is essential to ensure your kids stay healthy and fit. Not only does it keep them looking good, but it also helps to maintain their health and well-being. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. That's a staggering statistic, underscoring how important it is for parents to ensure their kids stay healthy.

Parents are responsible for kids' health and must ensure every aspect gets covered. However, it can be challenging to identify where to start. After all, there are a lot of different elements to kids' health, from physical to mental health. However, one area often overlooked is kids' appearance.

While many parents focus on ensuring their kids are healthy on the inside, taking care of their appearance outside is also essential. Kids' appearances can impact their self-esteem and how others perceive them. Therefore, parents must ensure they're doing everything possible to help their kids look and feel their best.



Reading is a vital part of a child’s development in literacy, as well as helping children find a love for picking up that new book. From the moment you enter nursery school and follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, you’ll be immersed into the world of fictional stories and unique creations.


Here in this guide we explore why reading is integral for a child’s development.

It’s a basic building block for learning

In daily life we read to help us understand a project, a rule or what’s been asked of us in school. Picking up those different words and phrases to put together into sentences will help us learn to speak, write and be able to listen to others - all integral skills to help us go through life.

It strengthens a child’s memory

Reading continuously will help your child learn how to remember things and remind themselves of what they’ve learnt. It also helps your child build brain connections, create new ones and talk to others about what they’ve learnt about through the stories they read.


PSHCE - personal, social, health, citizen and economic education - teach your child about being prepared for life. It’s something that many school kids will get to learn about when they’re in school to guide them along their way beyond the subjects they learn and the exams they’ll take.


PSHCE lessons are a big part of many school curriculums, which helps each student learn about what happens beyond school life - a very important next step.


Here we explore what a child will be learning in PSHCE lessons in school.

Health and wellbeing

Children will eventually have to learn to look after themselves. In doing so they don’t need to rely on others for help and support. These lessons will show your child how they can learn to look after themselves, be responsible for their own wellbeing, and what they may need to do if they’re feeling overwhelmed.


Being able to build a relationship and make it last would be the next step in a child’s life beyond the classroom. When they are of age they will have to pursue these issues and overcome many life lessons either alone or with their partner. This is where these lessons come in handy, as your child is learning how they can approach these relationships when they happen to them in real life.

Economic support and being a model citizen

There is also the aspect of a salary, taxes, and being a human being that contributes to society. Children will of course naturally learn how to do this through following your own actions at home and you showing them casually how to get into the flow.


It helps your child come to terms with these more difficult tasks if they’re shown how to do them from an early age. It also involves how to protect the environment, how to handle money, setting up bank accounts and other key roles.


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There are heaps of screen free activities you can try out with your child. Not everything has to rely on using a screen to keep your kids entertained, which is why you should always keep a bank of activities ready for those moments. We explore 5 screen free activities as recommended by this prep school in Hertfordshire.

1. A child’s first chores

There are a host of age-appropriate chores for children to explore. They could help you wash your car (even the small efforts they make!) or help you sort through dirty clothes ready to go in the washing machine. Every little helps.

2. Go for a bike ride

Get the bikes out and go for a ride out in the countryside or in your local area with your child. They may know a route already, or you can show them a new area that’s near the home to help them discover somewhere new.


Mental health is really important for children to learn and experience, and it’s why your child should become experienced in learning to handle their own wellbeing. To do this, you should direct your child to learn about how they can support themselves, and give them guidance so that you can help support your child’s mental health.


Here are some top tips from this senior school in Chelmsford.

Provide ways for your child to handle stress

When it becomes stressful for your child, it’s worth giving them free time and space to understand their feelings. If they have the chance to take a step back from a stressful situation, then let them do so as well. Keep in mind that your child may not know what the right answer is straight away, so don’t feel like you have to step in straight away, but also be there to give them pointers on how you handle your own levels of stress.

Encourage your child to keep a diary

Having a diary is a good way of using an outlet to vent and talk about your feelings without judgement from others. It also helps a child learn to be a bit less hard on themselves; writing out how we all feel makes us a bit more understanding about the situation and allows us to take a step back from things.

Show your child that it’s okay to make mistakes

We all make mistakes in our lifetime, which is why your child should be reminded of how they can make that possible. Work on how your child can manage when mistakes occur and how to troubleshoot issues when they arise.


Knowing how to solve a problem when they come up will give your child a lot more confidence in themselves as a result, and it also makes you see how far your child has become.



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The environment is a very common topic of discussion in modern day society. It’s a big issue that is already affecting the way we live and function from generations ago. But there are ways we can do our bit, even in small and more manageable ways.


To help guide our children through the changes to our planet, here are some ways you can promote an eco-friendly lifestyle in the home as recommended by this nursery in Esher.

Try out gardening

A very natural way of helping your child learn to understand what’s around us on the planet is through the more natural ways of growing food for the home. Children can explore how plants are made, how long it takes for certain crops to grow and how they can be used to feed a home. These all make your child learn about how their favourite fruits and vegetables are made, and maybe make a more conscious effort in learning where their food comes from.

Make eco-friendly lunches together

It’s tempting to put together a range of snacks and pre-packaged foods in your child’s lunch bag, but you can get even more out of it if you work together to make food. Make up sandwiches at home, or get more adventurous with your cooking and make some small salads for children to take to school. Opt for more fruits and vegetable snacks to promote a healthy diet and reduce packaging. Any rubbish your child does have can be brought back home to be recycled properly.

Show your child subtle ways the world is changing

Heatwaves and stormy weather are a result of climate change. It’s important that your child is aware of these changes. Take regular walks and show your child the changes to wildlife habitats, scenery and tree growth to remind them of how we can all hope to make a difference in the world.

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From a very early age, well in their nursery years, your child will be discovering how different words are formed and how they will benefit from their use. Nurseries will provide a range of learning materials, and following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to work on their literacy, numeracy and speech, among other skills.


From there, parents can jump in to provide their children with actionable ways to manage their vocabulary skills. Here are some top tips to try out at home with your child.

Find synonyms of words they already know

Having different words in your child’s back pocket will help them with the variation of words they’ll use on a regular basis. First off, keep practicing the words your child already knows. Then you can begin to switch this up with new words and repeat those continuously. Repetition is your best friend and works with your child, who will always be looking to you for guidance.

Sing songs

Songs are a classic way to get children to practice different words and how they’re pronounced. They will give your child the chance to remember how these words sound and where they can be used in different contexts. Many songs can be used at school, but you can also find videos online of popular sing-along songs, as well as the many songs sung in your child’s favourite TV shows and films.

Try out creative writing activities

When your child has the chance to write about different things then you should invite them to write creatively. To motivate them you can get your child to write about their favourite things to do, their favourite foods and ask them to describe themselves or friends or family. Use these as good prompts for your child to write freely about whatever comes to mind and see what vocabulary they pick up.


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Learning styles are interesting to take note of as they can help you to revolutionise the way that you learn and get things done. If your child is at school, knowing this can ensure that they get the most out of their lessons. To find out which they have, complete a survey or cross reference your observations against the typical learner traits that we have included below from a senior school in Herefordshire.


Kinaesthetic Learners

These learners like to jump straight into the deep end and get stuck in. They enjoy more practical means of learning and would much rather engage in a science experiment than copy out pages of a textbook. This is the reason why they thrive and enjoy STEM related subjects. If your child has this learning style, outdoor learning opportunities and field trips are things that you may want to consider.


Visual Learners

A visual learner likes diagrams and illustrations. For them, it’s important that they can see things clearly e.g., by having concise notes and that they can see the board. If your child falls into this category, you may want to speak with their teacher to see if you can arrange for them to be moved to the front of the class.


Auditory Learners

An auditory learner can be categorised as someone that responds well to instructions and likes hearing things back. It’s the way that they remember things which is why when teaching them, you should experiment with your tone of voice and repetition. Children with this learning style can also benefit from sitting at the front as it ensures that they can hear clearly and take everything spoken about on board.


There are in fact 4 additional learning styles. They are lesser known but just as important to note. They are: 

  • Verbal (Linguistic)
  • Logical (Mathematical)
  • Social (Interpersonal)
  • Solitary (Intrapersonal)

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There’s no set way of raising children and nothing can really prepare you for it. There are life skills, however, that are fundamental which knowing can help. A boys’ school in Surrey has shared them with us below.



Knowing how to feed yourself is a survival skill even in today’s day and age. Microwave meals and freezer food will only take you so far. Nutrition plays an important role in how we feel and our overall health which is why it's important for children to know how to make proper food. While now might not be the right time to launch them into making gourmet meals, there are lots of simple and safe things that you can teach them to make like sandwiches for example.



They’ll need to also talk and work with others which is why you should look out for opportunities where they can meet and befriend others. If they aren’t yet comfortable with that, make more time to speak to your child. That can be about their day, what is going on at school and within their social circle.


Problem Solving

Problem solving is also imperative to teach. It’s the skill that they will need to create innovative ideas and navigate their way out of the dilemmas that they find themselves in. This requires creative thinking and the ability to consider alternative perspectives.


Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the next most important as it involves weighing up those ideas to select the best one. It involves analysis, forward thinking and evaluation. 


Emotional Intelligence

Being able to read others is important for socialising. It can help you to make those around you feel better and avoid hurting their feelings.

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STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and in recent years there’s been a heavy push on developing children within these areas. As we know, there’s a widening skills gap that we’re seeing in the corresponding industries and investment into education is being made in response. The fields offer prestigious career opportunities, boast impressive salary expectations, and offer unrivalled job security. To help your child improve and explore opportunities in STEM, follow the guidance that we have included below from a girls’ preparatory school


Water Play

Science can be lots of fun and is something that you can help your child with at home using just a bucket full of water. You can teach them all about forces by picking up and dropping objects that you can find straight in. For a bit of fun, why not turn it into a guessing game where you can earn points?


Confidence is a must for parents to work on with their children. It affects how they see themselves, thus affecting the opportunities that they go for and their ability to deal with social situations. A senior school in Chelsea shares some guidance on how you can approach this below.


Speak Nicely to Your Child

Just like plants, children must be nurtured. The words that they hear growing up can contribute to their internal beliefs and how they see themselves. If this is negative, they will more than likely view themselves in a negative light and suffer from insecurities, hindering their confidence and stopping them from reaching their full potential.

Demonstrate Confidence

Children try to emulate those that they look up to, e.g., their parents. If you as their mother or father chase opportunities and outwardly display your confidence, they will too. Similarly, negative self-talk can be picked up and lead to confidence issues which is why you should be mindful of how you come across around them.


Encourage Them to Explore Their Talents 

We all have strengths and weaknesses. Exploring them, or just even working at a hobby, can help children with their confidence. It gives us a massive confidence boost when we know that we’re good at something or can see improvement within ourselves. This is why you should encourage your child to pick up an extracurricular activity. They can dip their toe into different activities, trying and testing them until they find their calling.


Let Them Make Mistakes

Mistakes are made on the journey to growth. For their confidence, when your children make mistakes it’s important to not dwell on them. This can make them fearful of failure and not want to put themselves forward and take risks. Instead, create a safe space where they can freely make them and learn.


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Extra-curricular activities are fantastic for children in terms of their overall development, health and wellbeing. The good news is there are so many options when it comes to hobbies and extra-curricular clubs. One great option you could consider is tennis lessons. I have teamed up with a gym in Watford to share some of the reasons why you should consider tennis lessons for your child.


Tennis is Great for Health and Fitness


Anything that requires an element of physical exertion is great for young people because it helps to improve their physical and mental health. As they run around the court, stretching, and swinging, your child will become fitter, leaner, and more flexible. What’s more, when exercising, endorphins are released in the brain that allow for improved mood.


Tennis Allows for Socialisation


Lots of hobbies are solitary pursuits, such as playing an instrument. Tennis, on the other hand, offers children the chance to meet likeminded people and make friends, which helps support their social skills.


Tennis Improves Motor Skills


When playing tennis, children are able to practise their hand-eye coordination, as well as strengthening their muscles for greater accuracy. These motor skills are vital for everyday tasks so its important for children to practise using them as much as possible whilst they’re young.


Sport Enhances Confidence


Children who play sport, such as tennis, are given an opportunity to practise and improve their skills, which helps them to become more confident. Confidence is important for young people because it what allows them to take an optimistic approach on life, try new things and step out of their comfort zone. For instance, they might not have previously felt comfortable engaging in classroom discussions, but with a newfound confidence they might feel more capable of raising their hand and voicing their opinion.


Mindfulness is all about focussing on the present moment, accepting one’s thoughts and feelings, as well as any bodily sensations. It’s a type of therapeutic technique to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression that are caused by obtrusive thoughts. With all that said, you might want to consider exploring mindfulness with your child so that they are better able to manage their emotions. Read on for some tips from an independent school in Enfield.


Mindful Walks


Taking a walk through nature is a great opportunity to practise mindfulness because it’s a very sensory activity. Next time you’re out for a walk with your child, ask them to think about what they can see, hear, feel, smell, or even taste. Share some examples of your own to inspire them, such as the leaves crunching underfoot or the soft breeze on your face. By tuning into the senses within a given moment, your child will feel distracted against anything that might be making them feel stressed or anxious, like school exams or friendship problems.


Mindful Bedtime


Practising mindfulness at bedtime is a great way to help your child doze off at night. Encourage them to lie down in bed, close their eyes, and consider how each part of their body is feeling, from the top of their head to the tips of their toes. Ask them to work their way up or down, considering how their body feels against the sheets and mattress.


Mindful Snacks


Mindfulness can be practised when doing the most mundane of things, like eating a snack. Encourage your child to truly embrace the moment by thinking about the texture and flavour of what they’re eating, rather than letting the moment pass by without giving it much thought. The trick is to encourage them to savour each bite.


If you are looking for more ideas when it comes to exploring mindfulness with your child, there are lots of apps and information online that you can look into. Just remember to take it slow and practise often until it starts to come naturally to them.


There are many reasons why you might want to consider encouraging your child to start a journal. Journaling is great from an academic perspective, but also in terms of one’s health and wellbeing. I have teamed up with an independent boys’ school in London to share some of the benefits of journaling in further detail.


Journaling Enhances Literacy Skills


As with any skill, practise makes perfect. With that said, if your child writes in a journal every day, they will become better at spelling and grammar, and their vocabulary will likely improve. This is great from an educational point of view as it will help them with their essay writing at school.


Journaling is an Outlet for Emotions


Children have a lot of complex emotions that they need to work through, and journaling can help them work through these emotions and handle their private thoughts. When it comes to mental health, it’s important to be able to get things off our chests and figure out what triggers us, which is why it’s great for children.


Journaling Encourages Self-Reflection


When children write in a journal, they are able to reflect on what happened during their day, as well as their thoughts and feelings. Self-reflection is important because it helps us determine what we like and dislike, and what makes us feel calm and content or sparks frustration.


Journaling Improves Memory


Another great benefit of writing in a journal is that it’s like a little workout for the brain. It can help with memory and cognitive function, which further contributes to improved academic progress.


Journaling Sparks Ambition


People often find it easier to achieve their goals if these goals are written down and ticked off. Journaling is great for this and can spark ambition, encouraging a child to work towards various goals.



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Compassion is a natural human response to seeing others in pain or distress. Children are capable of this too and there are ways that you can build their compassion. For example, an independent school in London suggests that parents spend time teaching their children about the different emotions that we experience as people and why. Below is more on how you can deliver this lesson.


Understanding Body Language

As mentioned above, to teach your child about compassion you should ideally talk to them about the different emotions that we feel and why. Understanding this can help them to be better clued up about how others feel and become a better detector of body language. Only then can we make efforts to actually help.