
We all see the homes in glossy magazines and on tv programmes that seem to exude style and class. They look so beautiful and full of personality, and it's something we often try to replicate in our homes. Here are some top tips for making your home a bit more stylish and photo shoot ready!

Feature Point
Every room should have a feature as a focal point. In the living room, dress your fireplace or mantelpiece to give a main feature in the room. Coffee tables, rugs, and feature lights also work well in dining rooms and kitchens. Having a dramatic piece gives the room a bit of character and sets the theme.


It is sad but true that bad things happen in our lives that we cannot control. These things can cause us to have difficult periods in our lives. In order to get through the periods, we often need help and support from professionals and loved ones. We also need our own sense of motivation and determination.

But what about afterward? Once you are through the worst of it, support may dry up slowly. The people who were previously helping you will move on to other issues, even if you’re not quite ready for that.

However, even when the support lessens, there is still others way you can help yourself. One of these is a change of scenery. This is a broad term but can be put into practice in a number of ways. It could be something as simple as moving your furniture around in your bedroom. It could be checking into a form of rehab, for some 24-hour support. It could even be going on a short holiday, either alone or with friends, to get some new perspective.

Let’s look in closer detail at all three of these options.


So, you’re a stay at home mom who is sick and tired of all of her time revolving around nappies, bathtimes, and trips to the park? You love your kids more than words can say, but you need something for you, as well as something that will help to give your bank account a boost. The good news is that just because you’re a stay at home mom, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a career.

Thanks to advancements in technology, you can now work from just about anywhere, including your home. If you have a skill or able to complete certain tasks on a regular basis, you can work effectively from home. This will give you something for yourself and will also help to give your household income a boost.

Want some ideas for earning around the kids? Have a read of these: