
With all the advice on the internet about starting a blog, usually through the medium of blogs, you may know all that you need to know when it comes to having the most optimum of content. After all, having a blog is an excellent way to communicate your thoughts and feelings on a much larger platform than your friend's network. But do you know how you can physically get the thing up onto your screen (hint: it doesn’t involve glue)? Here is how you do it, simply, and effectively.



[Image Source Pixabay]

Christmas is a wonderful time of year. It’s all about celebrations, family and coming together. We know that the real message is not about money and commerce. However, there’s no escaping that it’s an expensive time, especially if you have kids and a large family.

Christmas can be stressful, in terms of making sure everyone receives a gift they like, getting everything completed on time and stretching your finances to breaking point. That lull after Christmas and New Year can be even more stressful. You’ve spent more than you can afford and you have until the end of January before you’re paid again. What can you do to raise a little short-term cash to tide you over and take the edge off the after-Christmas blues?