
It's not easy to trust your life with someone else's hand even with doctors, therapist, lawyers or a helper at home. In this day and age where people claim a lot of things that are not true, one of the hardest to fake is that of being a doctor. After all, becoming a doctor takes a lot of years, time, and patience as well as perseverance. This is perhaps why doctors put a lot of pride in themselves because after all, what they do is no easy feat. Saving the lives of people is something that not everyone is able to do, and yet they do in their daily lives. One can even say that it comes naturally to them, as natural as it is for everyone else to breathe.

This is what Dr. Paolo Bellosillo has been doing for the better part of his life. He has entirely devoted every second he lives in making the lives of the people around him better and hopefully, longer by teaching them about integrative medicine and holistic approach to living. He believes that a healthy lifestyle is a way to go as well as an annual check-up of your heart for the heart is the center of your entire being.


Are you sick of having the same old dreams every night? There are some very common ones that we all have at some point. These include dreams in which you are endlessly falling or in which your teeth all fallout! These are more the stuff of nightmares! Or maybe you just wish that you dreamed more often. Well, you don’t have to be stuck in a dreamless night’s sleep for much longer, as many sleep tricks will help you dream a lot more often. And if you are sick of your dreams always repeating themselves, you will be happy to hear that these tricks can also help to change the content of all your dreams. So, ready to dabble with the stories that your subconscious tells you at night? Here are all the tips you need to know.


It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your profession or income is or your family situation, we can all do things in our life that will make us happier. When we are happier, we are much more sociable, more likely to have a positive outlook on life, as well as being more likely to be successful in all aspects of your lifestyle. So it seems like being happy is pretty much a no brainer! It is easier said than done, though, isn’t it? Here are some things that you can do each day, to make your life a much happier one.