
The idea of pursuing your passion over a dull corporate job has pervaded career conversations for many years now. You read or hear about successful stories online about people who transformed their interests or hobbies into a profitable venture and you can’t help but think: what if that could be you one day?

Having no boss to tell you what to do and charting your own path to success – it all seems ideal.

First of all, in starting any serious business endeavor, passion is indispensable. It’s the main fuel that will drive you toward your goal, whether it’s founding a tech start-up or an online market.

Without passion, there’s no interest or joy in doing the necessary tasks that need to be done. And if you can’t even get started on putting in the work, day in and day out, then your business idea is out the window.


Food Delivery When You Need it Most

The world is struggling to adapt to the changes brought on by the emergence of COVID-19. People are being told to stay home as much as possible and, if they must go out,  to wear masks and stay six feet away from others. One result of these social distancing guideline is an increase in food delivery directly to homes, especially for families and those at high risk for infection. Restaurants everywhere have risen to the demand and implemented strategies to increase safety for workers and customers. One of these strategies is zero contact delivery in a time of crisis.